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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to gain 10 pounds in a day: Adana/ bir gunde dort kilo almanin cozumu: Adana

I will keep my observations on Adana brief.  Anything I say will not give the city the respect that it deserves.  This was the only city I incurred on my travels that had continuous rain throughout the day.  Thanks to the help of a close friend, I was given a tour of the city in a vehicle so I saw all of the must see sights.  Nevertheless, all of the sites under better conditions would have been more enjoyable if I could have walked around each monument.  Two other notes to make, the museums are closed on weekends, and the river that runs through Adana was drained.  It was believed that the drainage occurred in order to have enough water to feed the damns which provides roughly 30% of the electricity for Turkey’s fifth largest population.  As a result, I do not have a lot of pictures to show of Adana.  There was however a gorgeous lake on the outskirt of the city, (soon to be the middle of city within the next decade) and I can provide a few pictures of that lake.  I can say this though, the Adana kebab I feasted on here was the best individual kebab I have ever tasted in my life.  I knew what I was getting into when I touched my fork to the meat and it immediately start to fall apart.  Whatever didn’t fall apart on your fork or in the sandwich you created  melted away quickly in your mouth.  This wonderful taste was complimented by a drink that I had never heard of until that moment, salgam.  This carrot juice mixed with a little pickled red beet made for satisfying finish on top of the spices I consumed.  I was so engulfed with the food that I forgot to take a picture of this particular meal of mine.  Oops..go to Adana and eat it for yourself.
         Adana hakkindaki diyeceklerimi kisa tutacagim.  Zamanim cok ters geldi Adana icin, onun icin sehir guzellikleri hakkinda bu sefer pek diyecegim yok.  Bahar’da, diger sehirler gibi, tekrar gelmem lazim ki hak ettigi ovguleri yagadirim.  Yamura birtek burada denk geldim, ve sehirin susuzlugundan dolayi, nehirdeki suyu cekmislerdiler.  Bir de haftasonunda muzeler kapiliymis, o sebeplede gezilmesi gereken muzeleri de goremedim.  Ama sehirin disindaki gol pekte guzelldi, ve sanirim bu on sene icerisinde, sehirin merkezi orasi olacaktir.  Bide Adana sofrasi hakkinda hangi guzellikleri duyduysaniz, hepsi gercek.  Bir Adana kebabi yedim..catalimin altinda dagilmayan, agizimin icinde aninda eridi.  Bu kadar yumusak ve lezzetli kebap bu gune kadar yememistim.  Bir de Adana’ya has salgam iceceigi kebapin baharatlarin uzerine cok rahatlatti.  Oradaki yedigim tatlilar da ayri bi guzeldi.  Ama benim en cok ilgimi ceken manzara ise Adana’nin insanlariydi.  Bekledigim fazlillikta insanlari modern gorunuslu, ve bir caddeleri var ki, Istanbul’daki cadde’yi pek aratirmiyor.  Bunca tersilige rahmen, Adana’yi begendim, ama hakkini aramak icin bir baska mezsimde tekrar gelicegim bu sehire. 

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